
About Us

We strive to change the way enterprises make decisions using data.

Our Story

Kobai was founded in 2017 by a team of deeply passionate engineers striving to solve the vexing challenge of using Operational and Enterprise data together to make better decisions and fuel advanced analytics. The idea was born out of the shared belief that semantic graph models and ontologies will power the need to create the future digital factory, operational excellence and a connected digital ecosystem across the enterprise. Kobai's Studio and Tower products offer a next-generation unified platform for building your Connected Digital Threads by integrating, modeling and visualizing data and AI at an enterprise scale. Our self-service, no-code interface simply empowers subject experts (SME) to own their outcomes and democratize data and AI to all users.

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Customer first

Customers always come first and their needs are our fuel. Being responsive with speed is our prime focus.


Empower your need for forward-thinking and ground-breaking contribution. We strive to raise the bar and make a lasting impact.

Diverse and inclusive

Provide an environment for diversity to thrive and inclusive collaboration across all backgrounds and perspectives.

Open culture

Encourage openness and transparency across the company. Our leaders are approachable and always available. Strive for a healthy work/life balance.